What is one thing that can easily turn away a Potential Client?
Not listing your Fees
I understand putting your fee on your website removes the ability to explain why therapy is a valuable investment to a potential client, however that is one of the top questions a potential comes to your website.
If your fee is not posted, you are turning away more potential clients than if you did post it.
Research shows that 60% of website visitors consider price to be in their first criteria when considering a purchase.
What Service is Right for You?
Each 53 Minute Session
Each 90 Minute Session
Each 90 minute Session
Anticipate Potential Client Questions.
Consider adding a FAQs section about your Fees to answer these questions
I am in network with Cigna and Premera. If you have a different plan, your insurance may reimburse you for some of the therapy session fees. Please reach out to your insurance company to details on how to use this service.
If you would like to use your insurance plan’s out of network benefits, I would be happy to provide a Superbill. Essentially, a superbill as a receipt of payment for services, that you can then send to your insurance company for partial reimbursement.
After you forward the front and back of your insurance card, our office will take care of all the billing to your insurance. They will then send us a statement showing what they will/will not be covering for sessions. Any portion that is considered a deductible, copay or coinsurance will be your responsibility to pay.
I have a limited available spots for reduced rates. Contact me to see if you qualify and if I have open availability.
While person’s frequency is different, most clients meet once a week or once every other week.
I accept Visa, Mastercard, American Express and Apple Pay.
Contact me at PHONE or by email at EMAIL and we will get your questions answered promptly!
Use the Fee Calculators and Expense Sheets to determine your fees