
What is one thing that can easily turn away a Potential Client?

Not listing your Fees

I understand putting your fee on your website removes the ability to explain why therapy is a valuable investment to a potential client, however that is one of the top questions a potential comes to your website.

If your fee is not posted, you are turning away more potential clients than if you did post it.​​​​​​​

Research shows that 60% of website visitors consider price to be in their first criteria when considering a purchase.

What Service is Right for You?

Each 53 Minute Session



Each 90 Minute Session



Each 90 minute Session



Anticipate Potential Client Questions.

Consider adding a FAQs section about your Fees to answer these questions


  • I am in network with Cigna and Premera. If you have a different plan, your insurance may reimburse you for some of the therapy session fees. Please reach out to your insurance company to details on how to use this service.

  • If you would like to use your insurance plan’s out of network benefits, I would be happy to provide a Superbill. Essentially, a superbill as a receipt of payment for services, that you can then send to your insurance company for partial reimbursement.

  • After you forward the front and back of your insurance card, our office will take care of all the billing to your insurance. They will then send us a statement showing what they will/will not be covering for sessions. Any portion that is considered a deductible, copay or coinsurance will be your responsibility to pay.

  • I have a limited available spots for reduced rates. Contact me to see if you qualify and if I have open availability.

  • While person’s frequency is different, most clients meet once a week or once every other week.

  • I accept Visa, Mastercard, American Express and Apple Pay.

  • Contact me at PHONE or by email at EMAIL and we will get your questions answered promptly!