Home Page Tagline

Your Tagline is a quick sentence or phrase that tells website visitors what your website is about.


“We Assist Therapists run their Business, so they can focus on their Clients”

“Business Operations for Mental Health Counselors”

Can Visitors Tell What your Business is About at a Glance?

Website visitors will not act unless they get answers to their most pressing questions quickly. The moment the step onto your website they immediately start scrolling and scanning.

They’re looking for answers, and they looking for them fast!

So, in the first 15 seconds of a potential client visiting your website you must answer that question.

At a glance, can the visitor tell where they are and what you do. Not that you are just a Mental Health Provider, but the type of clients you serve?

If a new visitor comes to your website and they don't find what they came looking for in about 15 seconds there's a good chance they'll go to the next website.

Top 5 Questions to Answer for your Entire Website.

As you create content for your website, be sure to answer the following questions for each of your website pages.

Our services

  • Therapy

  • Reiki

  • Couple Counseling

  • DBT

  1. What is your service?

Here's where you want to introduce yourself as well as what you do.

Give a brief description of what you do and each of the services you offer. They'll be directed to your services page as a result of this.

2. What's Your Message for the page/paragraph?

  • Rather than smothering your explanation at the bottom of the page, focus on conveying your message at the top of the page when it loads, rather than forcing a visitor to scroll to find it.

  • Using photos to demonstrate your service is much faster than using text. Supporting text will help drive home a point, but too much text will cause visitors to gloss over your words, so write only a few lines. If you support individuals with substance abuse, a photo of people gathered to support one person may convey that you support healing and reconnection, or a photo of a young couple smiling and holding hands may convey connection if you provide Pre-Marital Counseling.

3. Why should you be hired?

One of the most difficult aspects of designing a Home age is explaining how you differ from the competition and why potential clients should choose you. If you Google your service and your location or state, you’ve probably discovered that you’re not the only Practice that does what you do.

So, what makes your clients choose you over the other Mental Health Providers in your area? What makes you unique, and what makes you the better long-term option?

By emphasizing your benefits, your potential clients will understand why they should call you over your competitors.

Don’t load too much information into this space, but make a compelling case or why you should be your potential client’s first pick rather than any other Mental Health Provider.

4. What should a potential client do next?

EEEEKKK!! What SHOULD a potential client do? Yes, we have to put our Business Owner cap on!

You must tell website visitors to do something...

Whether it is to call your office, download a freebie, or use your self scheduling system. People may lose interest and hit the back button, or go to a competitor, if you do not properly tell them what to do next.

This is called “Call to Action” or CTA

“Read More” or “Call Now” buttons, for example, can be a simple method to get potential clients to take action. Use contrast or bright colors to make the buttons stand out, and place it prominently in view.

Make your contact information easy to find and any contact forms simple and quick to fill out, if you want people to send you and email or call you - say that!

The easier you make it for a potential client to do what you want, the more likely they will do it!

5. Write to your Ideal Clients

Your content should be written with your Ideal Client in mind.

Again, the goal of your website is to connect with potential clients, therefore it should be created just for them (not you).

Consider what potential clients are looking for and what they want to know. Your content should focus less on your business and more on how you can assist them. 

Your Home Page is Similar to an Abstract

The home page is a quick snap shot of each of your website pages and should be created and written last.

As you can see on this page, each section is an opportunity for potential clients to click for more information

Meet Our Team

Give a quick overview you and your team!

  • Name Counselor specializes in working Anxiety, Work Stress, Perfectionism, Family issues and Adults of Neglected Parents.

  • Before meeting with Name Counselor, our Office Assistant will assist you in getting you started!

Our blog

Pros & Cons of Hiring a Website Designer

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Why Counselors should use Chat GPT to Write Blogs

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How often should a Blog be Posted on your Website?

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Example Blog: Mastering Anxiety

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